Thursday, May 29, 2014

3D Printed Cast with Ultrasound

Here's another application of 3D Printing in Orthopedics: Essentially the hybridization of two technologies: 3D printed "cast" and ultrasound.

A 3D Printed "Cast"

Timeline: 2013. You may have seen this type of potential last year from Jake Evill and his Cortex Cast system. Instead of the odorous and itchy plaster or nylon-type wrapped "cast", a rigidly structured cast is custom printed to fit the fractured limb. It's lattice structure is inspired by bone and allows the skin to be exposed to air which greatly reduces odor issues and the all-too-familiar maddening itch. He has a wonderful infographic that shows some nice comparisons:

Click to view Full size via Cortex website.


Ultrasound Healing

Timeline: 2009. Published in the Indian Journal of Orthopedics: "Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound: Fracture healing" where a group published a study around the effects of ultrasound in the acceleration of bone fracture healing. Even at the time, this wasn't a new concept as five years prior in 2004 there had been a study of 67 fractures (33 with LIPUS and 34 with a placebo) with impressive results published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery as "Acceleration of tibial fracture-healing by non-invasive, low-intensity pulsed ultrasound."

Forward to 2011. Glasgow orthopedic surgeon, Angus McLean, makes headlines with the application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulation (a.k.a. LIPUS) to accelerate the healing of bone fractures. 

The Hybridization

Timeline: Late 2013 / March, 2014. Deniz Karasahin incorporates a 3D printing cast with LIPUS as a companion treatment integrated within the cast's design. The result: Osteoid Medical cast, attachable bone stimulator which lands Golden A' Design Award Winner in 3D Printed Forms and Products Design Category.

What's not possible. As fast as this world is moving, who knows how quickly we'll see similar devices as everyday solutions at OrthoNow.
Congratulations Deniz Karasahin! May your works be fruitful and inspire even more greatness.

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